
A brief introduction to Gephi.

Gephi is a open-source networks visualization and exploration software for all types of graphs and networks. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms. Gephi is a tool for individuals who are keen to explore and understand graphs. It gives user the power to interact with the representation, manipulate the structures, shapes and colors to reveal hidden patterns. Sample network of nodes and edges As part of this tutorial, we will be using the Contacts in a workplace  dataset from SocioPatterns . First of all let's begin with the installation of Gephi. You need to have java 7 or higher installed on your machine. You can download it from here . Then you can head over to the download page of gephi to download the latest stable release and install it on your machine. After installation, you can open the application and the interface should look similar to the one below. The Gephi Interface. We have successfully installed Gephi on our machine. Moving on, let's perform